Thursday, May 29, 2014

Contemporary vs Modern Greenspace

In Copenhagen, greenspace does not merely come in one form. Rather, every park, garden and green area is different. However, historical and contemporary greenspace are two labels that can provide a means of categorizing these types of green urban areas.
Two examples of greenspace that most effectively demonstrate these two categories are Superkilen and Østre Anlæg. Superkilen may not seem to be a typical example of greenspace. However, it offers many features of a modern park. It contains a playground for children, swing sets, bike lanes and pedestrian paths. Walking through the park, you cant help but looks down as the ground changes from blue, to red, to black. Everything about this area feels modern and intentional. It is a space where it is easy to actively enjoy outdoor activities—whether those include a bike ride, a pick-up game of basketball, or a ride on the swings.Østre Anlæg on the other hand is a beautiful, green expanse of land that captures everything that may come to mind when thinking of greenspace. It contains small rose gardens, calm lakes, and large, looming trees.
Swing Set in Superkilen

Superkilen Sidewalk
Superkilen Bike Path

One of the most striking differences between these two areas lies in pure  aesthetics. While Østre Anlæg is green, and all natural, Superkilen seems to be a more fitting for an urban area, colorful and modern. Additionally, walking through Østre Anlæg is both relaxing and calming—it truly feels like an effective escape from a bustling city. On the other hand, Superkilen is anything but calming. Its bright colors, and range of offered activities make an individual feel alive and active. However, while different in many ways, these urban spaces also have many similarities. In both parks people were seen with friends and family, conversing and enjoying the beautiful weather. Conversly, many individuals also chose to remain alone, reading a book or riding the bike through the open areas.

Østre Anlæg Lake

Østre Anlæg Rose Garden

While different, both of these examples of urban greenspace expose the benefits of incorporating greenspace into modern cities. Additionally, these parks exist as a perfect example of how greenspace need not be categorized as one kind of area, fitting for only certain cities or spaces. Rather, whether a city is colorful and bustling, or calming and laid back, greenspace can exist and flourish in all forms.

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